[PYTHON/NLTK] Simple text summarization

Automatic summarization is the process of shortening a text document with software, in order to create a summary with the major points of the original document. On this post, a python code to summarize the text simply, will be shared. It will extract some whole sentences from the original text, ranked by a certain score system.

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[PYTHON/NLTK] Phrase Structure Parsing and Dependency Parsing, using Stanford Parser on NLTK

The basic steps for NLP applications include—

  1. Collecting raw data from the articles, web, files in different kinds of format, etc.
  2. Cleansing (Text Wrangling)
  3. Sentence splitting
  4. Tokenization 
  5. POS Tagging
  6. NER / Parsing
  7. Applying / Getting deeper into NLP

This time, “Parsing” will be discussed.

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[PYTHON/NLTK] Tagging Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Named-entity recognition (NER) is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities in text into pre-defined categories. Typically, NER includes the names of person, location and organization. Apart from that, it can also be date, the name of a certain product, the terms used in a certain field, etc. NLTK provides a function, ne_chunk() and a wrapper around Stanford NER tagger for NER. On this post, about how to use ne_chunk() will be shared.

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[PYTHON/NLTK] Training our own POS tagger using DefaultTagger and N-gram taggers

The previous post showed how to do POS tagging with a default tagger provided by NLTK. To train our own POS tagger, we have to do the tagging exercise for our specific domain. On this post, we will be training a new POS tagger using brown corpus that is downloaded using nltk.download() command.

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